
Laugh Yoga?

Laughing is a superb technique for releasing stored energy in the body. Stored energy can come out in many forms –
such as yawning, crying, yelling, etc. It can also come out through laughter. What better way to release energy and stored emotions than through laughter!  

Laugh yoga sessions boost your immune system by increasing your T cells’ effectiveness. These are the cells that produce antibodies in your body. T cells work to target and destroy virus-infected cells. Basically, they fight infections and can prevent you from getting sick or as sick in the first place. Remember Patch Adams, anyone?

Laughing reduces the release of several different hormones that are related to stress, such as cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine. This helps with reducing stress and anxiety. Laughter releases heart-helping hormones, such as endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins even work to relieve pain temporarily. Laughter may also ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers, according to the Mayo Clinic. Laughing releases oxytocin, the same hormones released during sex. Oxytocin promotes closeness and is known as the ‘bonding chemical’ as it creates feelings of relatedness when entering into the bloodstream.

So basically, whenever you laugh, it is like meditating, exercising and having sex all at the same time. And with laughter, the mind doesn’t know when you are faking it! So you can intentionally laugh all you want during laugh club or any other time and still receive the health benefits of laughter. AND you can improve your mood. It’s a win, win, win.

It is important to note that even voluntary or ‘forced’ laughter typically turns into real, contagious belly laughter.